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Information Minister: Syria has the will and enthusiasm for return of refugees who immigrated due to terrorism

Damascus, SANA- Information Minister, Imad Sara, said that Syria has the will and the enthusiasm to repatriate the Syrian refugees who immigrated from their homeland because of terrorism. Sara said …

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Chinese Ambassador in Damascus: economic sanctions on Syria illegitimate , hinder the refugees’ return to their homeland

Damascus, SANA- China’s Ambassador to Syria, Feng Biao, stressed that the continued economic sanctions on Syria is illegitimate and they obstruct the refugees’ return to their homeland , referring that …

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Khaji: Iran suggests establishing International Fund for reconstructing Syria

Damascus, SANA- Ali Asghar Khaji, Senior Assistant to the Iranian Foreign Minister, stressed the necessity of the international community’s hard work to help in returning Syrian refugees to their homeland …

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Health Ministry : 45 new Coronavirus cases registered , 48 cases recover , 4 patients pass away

Damascus, SANA- Health Ministry announced on Saturday evening that 45 new coronavirus cases have been registered in Syria and that 48 cases have recovered while 4 patients have passed away. …

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Agriculture Ministry launch tree-planting campaign with participation of Education,Higher Education Ministries and local organizations

Damascus, SANA- Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform on Saturday launched from Al-Assad National Library a national afforestation campaign to start on November 15th and last till the end of …

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US media : Biden wins US Presidency

Washington, SANA- US Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, has won the United States’ presidential elections according to expectations circulated by US media after beating his Republican opponent ,President Donald Trump, in …

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Captive al-Akhras suspends his hunger strike after he won his battle against occupation

Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- Palestinian captive Maher al-Akhras has suspended his hunger strike that lasted for 103 days after the Israeli occupation yielded to his demands in his battle in the …

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A child in the QSD- controlled Hawl camp dies of lack of health-care

Hasaka, SANA- One child has passed away due to lack of health care in al-Hawl Camp controlled by US-backed QSD militia in Hasaka eastern countryside. SANA reporter quoted local sources …

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Damascus today

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Afforestation and rehabilitation campaign for ecological park in al-Assad Suburb in Harasta

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