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Lavrov appoints a new special envoy for solving the crisis in Syria

Moscow , SANA- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia ,Sergey Lavrov, appointed Director of the Middle East and North Africa Department at the Russian foreign ministry, Alexander Kinshchak, as a …

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Tireless efforts to compensate losses resulted from the fires in Hama Countryside

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Kremlin warns against transferring terrorists to Nagorno-Karabakh region

Moscow, SANA- The Press Secretary for the President of Russia, Dmitry Peskov, reaffirmed Russia’s warning against transporting the foreign terrorists to the disputed region between Armenia and Azerbaijan ,Nagorno-Karabakh, stressing …

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Vershinin affirms necessity of adhering to political solution to crisis in Syria

Moscow, SANA- Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergey Vershinin, reiterated his country’s stance that calls for the political solution to the crisis in Syria on the basis of adhering to …

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US occupation reconnaissance aircraft falls down in surrounding of Tal Tamer, Hasaka countryside

Hasaka, SANA- A US occupation reconnaissance aircraft fell down for unknown reasons in the surrounding of Tal Tamer town, northwest of Hasaka. Local sources told SANA that a US occupation …

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Moscow: Jeffrey infiltration to Syria without its approval flagrant violation of sovereignty

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that US Special Envoy entry to Syria without its approval is a blatant violation of the Syrian sovereignty. “That is another violation of the …

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Nine students injured in a blast of bomb left behind by terrorists in Bait Jin, Damascus Countryside

Damascus Countryside, SANA- Nine students were injured on Thursday in an explosion of a bomb left behind by terrorists in Bait Jin town in Qatana area in southwestern Damascus Countryside. …

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Culture Ministry and National Union of Syrian Students sign memo to enhance the culture presence in life of university

Damascus, SANA- To consolidate the presence of the culture among Syrian university youth and launching the aspects of creativity in them, a memo of understanding between the Culture Ministry and …

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Syria renews call for ending Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan, condemns continuation of settlement in it

Geneva, SANA- Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala reiterated Syria’s demand for ending the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Arab …

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Reception at the Indian Embassy in Damascus on occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday

Damascus, SANA-Indian Embassy in Damascus held a reception on the occasion of anniversary of Mahamta Ghandi’s day of birth at Dama Rose hotel in Damascus. In a speech during the …

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