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Health Ministry: 12 new Coronavirus cases registered, 3 patients recovered

Damascus, SANA – The Health Ministry announced on Tuesday that 12 new Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been registered among the 123 students who came from Lebanon to apply for their …

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Many killed and injured among Turkish occupation mercenaries in infighting in Ras al-Ayn in Hassaka countryside

Hasaka, SANA- A number of Turkish occupation mercenaries have been killed or injured in an infighting that erupted among them in Ras al-Ayn city, northwest Hasaka. Civil sources told SANA …

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Rehabilitating four schools damaged by terrorists in Deir Ezzor

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Education Ministry establishes new exam centers for students in areas under lockdown

Damascus, SANA-Education Ministry has established new exam centers for the students of secondary school certificate in all its branches in the areas that are subjected to lockdown period to ensure …

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Tourism Ministry, Wathiqat Wattan Organization sign MoU on preservation of Syrian heritage

Damascus, SANA – In the framework of mutual cooperation to safeguard the Syrian identity and to preserve the Syrian heritage, the Tourism Ministry and Wathiqat Wattan Organization signed a Memo …

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National stand in Deir Ezzor in condemnation and rejection of the coercive measures imposed on Syria

Deir Ezzor,SANA- The Provence of Deir Ezzor witnessed on Sunday a national stand in rejection and condemnation of the US sanctions and the coercive measures imposed on Syria and as …

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Cherry season in Sweida

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Russia condemns terrorists’ practices in Idleb and preventing students from taking exams

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry has condemned the continuous crimes of the terrorist groups against the civilians in Idleb and the prevention of the students to apply for the exams …

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Lavrov, Zarif stress necessity of eliminating terrorism in Syria and preserving its sovereignty, territorial integrity

Moscow, SANA – Russian Minister of the Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif stressed the importance of eliminating terrorism in Syria and preserving its sovereignty …

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Turkey-backed terrorists injured in IED blast in Aleppo northern countryside

Aleppo ,SANA – A number of terrorists from groups backed by the Turkish occupation forces were injured when an explosive device planted in their car went off in the surrounding …

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