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Temperature to rise, spring weather prevails

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will slightly rise to become from 3 to 5 degrees above average as the country is affected by a superficial high air pressure in the upper layers …

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Syria reports 7 new Covid-19 cases, 12 recoveries, one fatality

Damascus, SANA- Syria recorded on Thursday seven new coronavirus cases, 12 recoveries and one fatality, according to a statement by Health Ministry. In a statement to SANA, the Ministry added …

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More than half a million refugees flee from Donbass and Ukraine to Russia

Moscow, SANA- Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations stated that the number of refugees from Donbass and Ukraine to Russia has exceeded half a million people. “Since the beginning of the …

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Russian MoD: 52 military facilities hit in Ukraine

Moscow, SANA- The Russian aviation and combat drones destroyed last night 52 Ukrainian military facilities, including 4 command centers and one S-300 anti-aircraft missile system south of Izium town and …

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Russian MoD: A Ukrainian drone downed with Pantsir system

Moscow, SANA- Russian Defense Ministry released footage on Wednesday showing the Russian Pantsir anti-aircraft defense system destroying an advanced Ukrainian drone “UJ-22 Airborne”. The ministry said that the Ukrainian drone …

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Syrian students in Slovakia: Syria will remain a beacon that enhances our determination

Bratislava, SANA- Syrian students studying in Slovak universities and institutes have renewed their support for their country in confronting the terrorist and economic war to which it is exposed, stressing …

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Zakharova: Washington does not want to develop Europe, but to annex it to NATO

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stressed that the US does not want to develop Europe and does not want to see it strong, united and independent, adding …

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Chinese diplomat: unilateral sanctions create new humanitarian problems worldwide

New York, SANA- Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations, Ambassador Zhang Jun, has stressed that unilateral sanctions imposed by some countries seriously affect global …

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Eng. Makhlouf visits Emirati, Iranian, Russian and Syrian pavilions at Expo 2020 Dubai

Dubai, SANA- Minister of Local Administration and Environment, Hussein Makhlouf, during his participation in the Climate Week meetings held in Dubai, visited on Tuesday the Emirati, Iranian and Russian and …

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Huge turnout at Asal al-Ward settlement center

Damascus countryside, SANA- The settlement process continued on Tuesday in Asal al-Ward town in Damascus in the framework of the settlement agreement proposed by the state to enable those who …

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