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Syria and the World

May, 2015

  • 23 May

    Palestinian official: No end in sight for Yarmouk crisis

    Damascus, SANA-Secretary of the Palestinian Revolution Factions Alliance Khaled Abdul-Majid said that the return of Palestinians who fled terrorist acts in Yarmouk camp near Damascus is “not likely anytime soon” …

  • 23 May

    BRICS countries renew firm support for Syria’s sovereignty and call for peaceful solution

    Moscow, SANA – BRICS countries stressed their firm support for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and renewed their call for a peaceful solution to its crisis by the Syrian people. …

  • 23 May

    Security Council “deeply concerned” over Palmyra residents

    United Nations, SANA- UN Security Council has just expressed its “deep concern” over the fate of families trapped in Palmyra city after the dominance of Islamic State in Iraq and …

  • 21 May

    Health minister urges for international action vis-à-vis deteriorating health conditions in Golan

    Geneva, SANA-Health Minister Dr. Nizar Yazigi urged the World Health Organisation (WHO) to visit the Syrian Golan to have a first-hand look into the bleak health conditions there due to …

  • 21 May

    UNESCO calls for international action to protect Palmyra against terror threat

    Paris, SANA – Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Irina Bokova called upon the international community and Security Council to do everything in their power …

  • 21 May

    Aid provided by world organizations distributed to terrorism-affected people in Hasaka

    Hasaka, SANA – The World Migration Organization (WMO) distributed on Wednesday clothes and blankets to several NGOs and civil organizations in the northeastern Hasaka province to be delivered to terrorism-affected …

  • 21 May

    A Lebanese party leader stresses adherence to Lebanese resistance in defending Syria

    Beirut, SANA-Head of the Lebanese Democratic Party, MP Talal Arslan stressed adherence to the Lebanese resistance, which doesn’t only defend Lebanon, but it also defends Syria as the conspiracy is …

  • 21 May

    More food and health aid distributed to Yarmouk displaced residents

    Damascus, SANA- General Authority for Palestine Arab Refugees (GAPAR) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Supported by the Syrian government …

  • 20 May

    Health minister: Unfair economic sanctions increased Syrians’ suffering

    Geneva, SANA_ Health Minister Dr. Nizar Yazigi said on Wednesday that the health sector in Syria had achieved remarkable development in health indicators prior to the crisis, particularly in maternal …

  • 20 May

    President al-Assad warns of extremism threat to Arab identity

    Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad warned Wednesday of the attempts at undermining the Arab culture and identity, saying these are the highest risk targeting the Arab Nation these days. …