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Syria and the World

April, 2015

  • 28 April

    WHO says it will work to provide urgent medical aid to Lattakia

    Lattakia, SANA – Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) Elizabeth Hoff said the organization will work on providing urgent medical assistance to Lattakia province. She was speaking during a …

  • 28 April

    De Mistura invites Iran to Geneva3 on Syria

    New York, SANA The crisis in Syria and the preparations for Geneva3 Conference were discussed during a meeting between Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and UN Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura …

  • 28 April

    Lavrov: Interest in pursuing political dialogue in Syria a very important achievement

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the interest in pursuing political dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition is a very important achievement, noting that …

  • 28 April

    Iran and Algeria renew call for finding political solution to crises in Syria and Yemen

    New York, SANA- Iran and Algeria renewed their call for working on finding political solutions to the crises in Syria and Yemen. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his …

  • 28 April

    Hasaka receives 46 thousand food baskets from WFP to be distributed among terror-affected families

    Hasaka, SANA- Hasaka Directorate of Social Affairs has completely received the food aid- hitting 46,000 food baskets- provided by World Food Program. Head of Directorate, Issam al-Hussein, told SANA Monday …

  • 28 April

    Syrian short film “Smile…You’re Dying” in Oran festival

    Damascus, SANA- The Syrian short film “Smile…You’re Dying” will participate in the 8th edition of the International Festival for Arab Films to be held in the Algerian city of Oran …

  • 28 April

    Syria, Russia sign agreement on combating terrorism

    Moscow, SANA – Interior Minister Mohammad al-Shaar and his Russian counterpart General Vladimir Kolokoltsev signed on Monday a cooperation agreement on countering dangerous crimes, including terrorism. General Kolokoltsev told SANA …

  • 27 April

    Graduation of Arab and Foreign Students from Damascus University

    Damascus, SANA Damascus University set the students of the Arab and friendly countries studying in it a top priority, Rector of Damascus University Mohammad Hassan al-Kurdi said. Al-Kurdi remarks came during a …

  • 27 April

    Candle March in Damascus marking centennial of Armenian Genocide

      Damascus, SANA Thousands of Syrian Armenians participated on Sunday evening in a candle march from al-Zablatani area to St. Mar Sarkis Armenian Orthodox Church in Bab Sharki, Damascus, under the motto …

  • 27 April

    A mass prayer in Prague in solidarity with Syria

    Prague, SANA – Syria, which is being exposed for more than four years to a heinous campaign of terrorism, was an example of coexistence and tolerance in the Middle East, …