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Arab, International

July, 2017

  • 13 July

    Ulyanov: The US hinders probe into alleged Khan Sheikhoun chemical weapons attack

    Moscow, SANA – Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department Mikhail Ulyanov affirmed on Thursday that the United States desperately prevents international personnel from visiting al-Shayrat …

  • 12 July

    Lavrov: Astana results gave new momentum to intra-Syrian dialogue in Geneva

    Brussel, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov affirmed that the results achieved by the Astana meetings on the crisis in Syria gave new momentum and additional dynamism to the …

  • 11 July

    Lavrov: the US, EU have to lift sanctions imposed on Syria

    Moscow-SANA-Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Tuesday called on the US and EU to reconsider their stances and lift their sanctions imposed in the Syrian people. “Continuing communications between Moscow and …

  • 11 July

    Guterres welcomes establishment of de-escalation zone in south Syria

    New York, SANA – United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed the announcement of the establishment of de-escalation zone in south Syria. In a statement on Monday, Guterres said this is …

  • 10 July

    Lavrov: We are optimistic about having a progress in discussing the agenda of the Syrian-Syrian dialogue

    Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said he was optimistic about having a progress in the agenda of the four baskets during the current round of the Syrian-Syrian dialogue …

  • 8 July

    Putin: It’s up to the Syrian people to decide their own future

    Hamburg, SANA – Russian President Vladimir Putin said that reaching an agreement with the US on de-escalation zones is a huge step forward. At a press conference on the sidelines …

  • 8 July

    Ramzy: Geneva meeting to discuss four baskets in parallel with technical consultations on legal and constitutional matters

    Damascus, SANA – UN Deputy Special Envoy for Syria Ramzy Ezzeldin Ramzy affirmed that the upcoming Geneva meeting due to start on Monday would discuss four baskets in parallel with …

  • 8 July

    DPRK commemorates anniversary of the passing away of its founder President Kim Il-sung

    Pyongyang, SANA- Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday commemorated the 23rd anniversary of the passing away of President Kim Il-sung, who established the modern DPRK, the Korean People’s …

  • 7 July

    Putin, Trump discussed crisis in Syria and fighting terrorism

    Hamburg, SANA – Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with US President Donald Trump the crisis in Syria and counter-terrorism on the sideline of the G20 Summit currently being held in …

  • 7 July

    Lavrentiev: US military presence in Syrian territory is illegal

    Astana, SANA – Head of the Russian delegation to Astana 5 meeting, Alexander Lavrentiev, announced on Thursday that the results of Astana meeting were not a big step forward but …