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Arab, International

January, 2015

  • 19 January

    National parties: National dialogue is solution to crisis in Syria

    Damascus, SANA- National political parties affirmed during a consultative meeting on Monday that a political solution is the only exit route from the crisis in Syria through national dialogue. The …

  • 19 January

    Larijani : Israeli aggression against Syria is criminal act, exposes collusion with terrorists

    Tehran, SANA- Speaker of the Iranian Shura Council Ali Larijani on Sunday reiterated condemnation of the terrorist aggression launched by the Zionist entity on al-Amal farms in al-Quneitra, affirming that …

  • 19 January

    Iran strongly condemns Israeli aggression on al-Amal Farms in Quneitra

    Tehran, SANA – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif strongly condemned the recent Israeli aggression on al-Amal Farms in Quneitra. Iranian mass media on Monday quoted Zarif as saying that the continuity of …

  • 19 January

    Arab lawyers condemn terrorist crimes in Syria

    Cairo, SANA – Arab lawyers condemned the regionally and internationally backed terrorism and the crimes of terrorists in Syria. In a statement following the activities of the 23rd conference of …

  • 17 January

    Bogdanov discusses with Syrian ambassador preparations for Moscow meeting on Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Russian President’s Special Representative for the Middle East and Africa Affairs, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov discussed with Syria’s Ambassador in Moscow Riyad Haddad issues of continued …

  • 17 January

    Arab lawyers Union affirms support to Syria

    Cairo, SANA –The 23rd conference of the Arab Lawyers’ Union opened in Cairo on Friday affirmed solidarity with Syria. Participants in the conference chanted the Syrian national anthem and slogans …

  • 17 January

    Mikdad: Terrorism can’t be combated in Iraq while it is supported in Syria

    Damascus, SANA- Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad said leaders of Europe and the US have to understand that terrorism can’t be combated in Iraq while it is supported …

  • 16 January

    Russia derides repots on alleged nuclear facility in Syria

    Moscow, SANA-The Russian Foreign Ministry sniffed at reports about a secret underground nuclear facility in Syria, describing them as “silly.” The German Der Spiegel weekly magazine had published a report …

  • 16 January

    President Al-Assad interview received wide interest in Czech, says Peter Markvart

    Prague, SANA – Member of the committee of dialogue among religions in the Czech Republic, Peter Markvart, called for exerting more pressure on the European politics and bodies for the immediate …

  • 16 January

    Preparations for Moscow meeting on Syria going on actively, says Lavrov

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed that the preparations for Moscow consultative meeting on the crisis in Syria are continuing actively. Addressing a joint press conference with …