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Arab, International

November, 2014

  • 11 November

    Al-Jaafari: Syria regrets international community’s disregard of facts in Syria

    New York, SANA- Syria’s permanent envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said Syria regrets the international community’s disregard of the facts in Syria and the blind insistence on submitting international …

  • 11 November

    Putin, Obama discuss issues of Syria, Ukraine and Iran on sidelines of APEC summit

    Moscow, SANA – Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and President Barack Obama of the United States discussed crisis in Syria, Ukraine and Iran’s nuclear file on the sidelines of the Asia …

  • 10 November

    Syria, Algeria to enhance parliamentary cooperation

    Algiers, SANA-Speaker of the People’s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham discussed Monday with Speaker of the Algerian National Popular Council Mohammad al-Arabi Wild Khalifa the latest developments in the region and …

  • 10 November

    Russian official, Syria’s ambassador to Russia discuss means of resolving Syria crisis

    Moscow, SANA-Russian President’s Special Envoy for the Middle East Mikhail Bogdanov discussed with Syria’s ambassador to Russia Riyad Haddad means of resolving the crisis in Syria and mutual Syrian-Russian cooperation. …

  • 10 November

    Israel treats injured terrorists fighting in Syria

    Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The Israeli occupation forces transported three wounded terrorists from Syria to the north of occupied Palestine to provide the required treatment to them. Israeli Walla website said …

  • 8 November

    Lavrov: Combating terrorism should be based on international law

    Beijing, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said his country affirms terrorism should be combated in accordance with the international law. “Russia doesn’t see legal reasons not to cooperate …

  • 8 November

    Mikdad: Turkish, French attempts to implement schemes against Syria are doomed to failure

    Beirut, SANA  Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad stressed that attempts of French and Turkish Presidents, François Hollande and Recep Tayyip Erdogan to implement their schemes against Syria …

  • 6 November

    Tehran affirms its support to Syria against terrorism

    Tehran, SANA-Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs, Hussein Amir Abdullahian, reaffirmed Thursday his country’s support to Syria against terrorism. “Tehran and Moscow, in addition to other states, …

  • 6 November

    Haidar: American strategic project in the region serves Israeli’s security

    Damascus, SANA – Minister of State for National Reconciliation Affairs Dr. Ali Haidar stressed that the US airstrikes against the positions of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) …

  • 6 November

    Al-Jaafari: Syria is committed to close cooperation with OPCW

    New York, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, stressed that Syria will remain committed to close cooperation with the Organization for the Prohibition of …