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Arab, International

September, 2014

  • 5 September

    Venezuelan President warns against the imperialist powers’ acts to destabilize Syria

    Caracas, SANA – President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela warned against the acts of “the imperialist powers” to disrupt stability in Syria and the countries of the Middle East region. Maduro …

  • 4 September

    Israeli court sentences lawyer Saeed Nafaa to one and a half year in jail on Syria contacts charges

    Occupied Jerusalem, SANA –Lawyer Saeed Nafaa, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Movement and member of the Popular Committee for Solidarity with Syria, was sentenced to one-and-a-half-year in prison on charges …

  • 4 September

    Security Council demands armed groups abandon UNDOF positions and Quneitra crossing point

    United Nations, SANA – The UN Security Council demanded that all armed groups which launched attacks recently on UN peacekeepers serving with the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), monitoring …

  • 3 September

    Russia marks Knowledge Day…Syria’s ambassador: Dialogue superseded by culture of violence

    Moscow, SANA-The Russian St. Petersburg University of Humanities commemorated Wednesday the Knowledge Day, with the participation of Russian and foreign parliamentarians, diplomats, scientists and artists. Knowledge Day, often simply called …

  • 3 September

    Massive rally in Antakya in support of resistance forces in Syria, Palestine and Lebanon

    Antakya, SANA – Residents of Antakya city in Iskenderun expressed solidarity with all the forces that are resisting imperialism and Zionism, including in Syria, Palestine and Lebanon, in a massive …

  • 2 September

    ISIS terrorists behead a second American journalist

    Washington, SANA- Terrorists of so-called “the Islamic State in Iraq and Sham” ISIS claimed responsibility of beheading a second American journalist in a videotape published on websites. “The video which …

  • 2 September

    Lavrov: Terrorism cannot be fought in Iraq and overlooked in Syria

    Moscow, SANA – Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov said that terrorism cannot be fought in Iraq while at the same time it is overlooked in Syria, as terrorism …

  • 2 September

    Velayati: Syrian people and leadership held together to defeat terrorism

    Tehran, SANA- Advisor to Iran’s Supreme Leader for International Affairs Ali Akbar Velayati stressed that the fact that the Syrian people and leadership have held their fast together in the …

  • 1 September

    Iran welcomes formation of new government in Syria

    Tehran, SANA-Iran on Monday welcomed the formation of a new government in Syria, led by Premier Wael al-Halqi. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham expressed hope that following the June …

  • 1 September

    Syria condemns ISIS crimes in Iraq during UNHRC session

    Geneva, SANA – Syria denounced the crimes that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization is committing against Iraqi civilians, renewing support for the Iraqi government’s efforts …