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Arab, International

July, 2014

  • 17 July

    Tehran: terrorists’ crimes in Syria and Iraq disasters facing Islamic World  

    TEHRAN, SANA –Iranian President Hassan Rohani stressed that the terrorist crimes perpetrated by the Takfiri groups in Syria and Iraq are one of the “disasters and problems facing the Islamic …

  • 16 July

    Islamic countries MPs call for defending Syrian, Iraqi and Palestinian peoples against terrorism

    Tehran, (SANA) – Members of the Islamic countries Parliament called on the international organizations and human rights bodies to defend the Syrian, Iraqi, and Palestinian peoples against terrorism practiced by …

  • 16 July

    BRICS Summit: No military solution to crisis in Syria

    Fortaleza, Brazil, SANA – Leaders of the BRICS countries reiterated that there is no military solution to the crisis in Syria, calling for putting an end to the terrorist acts …

  • 16 July

    Over 200 Palestinians killed in Israeli continuous aggression on Gaza

    Gaza, SANA – The Israeli aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip has been going on for the tenth day, resulting in the killing of 205 Palestinian civilians and injuring more …

  • 16 July

    Iran congratulates Syrian people on President al-Assad’s new presidential term

      Tehran, (SANA) – Iran congratulated the Syrian people on President Bashar al-Assad’s new presidential term. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Marzieh Afkham, stressed in a statement that “Syria, in the …

  • 15 July

    Syrians in Hungary denounce Israeli massacres against Palestinians

    Budapest, SANA – Members of the “Forum for Syria” and members of the Syrian community and students in Hungary expressed strong condemnation of the massacres committed by the Israeli occupation …

  • 15 July

    Four Palestinians martyred in Israeli air raids

    GAZA, SANA – Four Palestinians including an elderly woman were martyred in Israeli air raids on the Gaza Strip on Tuesday. The Palestinian Ma’an News Agency quoted the Palestinian Health …

  • 15 July

    Moscow: Necessity of affirming Syria’s sovereignty in UNSC resolution No. /2165/

    MOSCOW, SANA –Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that Russia supported the resolution No. /2165/ unanimously approved by the UN Security Council on Monday on the humanitarian situation in Syria. “Through the …

  • 14 July

    UN Security Council authorizes speeding up pace of humanitarian aid delivery in Syria

    United Nations, SANA-The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for quickening the pace of humanitarian aid deliveries in Syria, authorizing cross-border humanitarian access. UNSC resolution No 2165 …

  • 14 July

    Syria’s ambassador to Lebanon: Syria won’t budge on backing resistance

    Beirut, SANA-Syria will remain a staunch patron and supporter of resistance against the Israeli occupation and the events panning out in Syria are an extension of a July 2006 Israeli …