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Provinces News

August, 2021

  • 19 August

    Al-Bayda village in Hama western countryside … A picturesque nature that blends with fragrance of history

    Hama, SANA- Al-Bayda village, which is located 2 km from Masyaf city in Hama western countryside, is considered as one of the favorite tourist destinations for visitors to enjoy it’s …

  • 19 August

    Two QSD militants injured in an explosive device blast in Qamishli countryside

    Hasaka, SANA-Two militants of the US occupation-backed QSD militia were injured when an explosive device went off in their car on Qamishli-Amouda road in Qamishli western countryside. Local sources told …

  • 19 August

    A stand in Hasaka in protest against Turkish occupation crimes

    Hasaka, SANA- Citizens of Hasaka city, with the participation of social and religious figures, organized a protest in front of the Justice Palace in condemnation of practices of the Turkish …

  • 19 August

    Douma farmers restore life to their lands (photos)

    Damascus Countryside, SANA- With strong determination, Douma farmers have been restoring life to their lands through cultivating them with crops that have been a source of livelihood and support for …

  • 19 August

    Restoration of 13 schools in Nabek to receive students at beginning of school year – video

    Damascus Countryside, SANA- Active restoration and rehabilitation operations have been taking place at 13 schools that were damaged by terrorism in Nabek area in Damascus countryside, to be ready at …

  • 19 August

    Turkish occupation shells civilians’ houses in Aleppo northern countryside

    Aleppo, SANA-The Turkish occupation forces and their mercenaries of terrorists have renewed the attacks on residential areas in several villages in Aleppo northern countryside. Local sources reported that the Turkish …

  • 17 August

    A woman martyred as Turkish occupation and its mercenaries attack Abu Rasin town and surroundings in Hasaka countryside

    Hasaka, SANA- A woman was martyred and a number of civilians were injured as Turkish occupation and its terrorist mercenaries escalated attacks with artillery and missile shells on the town …

  • 17 August

    Health sector in Deir Ezzor continues to provide services despite lack of medical supplies, cadres

    Deir Ezzor, SANA- Workers at the health sector in Deir Ezzor province seek to provide medical services to citizens according to the available capabilities, despite the lack of specialized medical …

  • 17 August

    Shelling attack by Turkish occupation, its mercenaries causes damage to Tal Tamer power station in Hasaka

    Hasaka, SANA- The Turkish occupation and its mercenaries of terrorists have launched a shelling attack on Tamer power station in Hasaka countryside. Director of Hasaka Electricity Company Anwar Okla told …

  • 17 August

    Hot weather, temperatures above average in most regions

    Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will slightly rise to become above average in most regions, as the country is affected by a superficial high air pressure in the upper layers of the …