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Culture & Arts

December, 2020

  • 8 December

    General Union of Craftsmen inaugurates Dummar central incubator for craft arts

    Damascus, SANA- Dummar central incubator for traditional arts of the General Union of Craftsmen was opened on Tuesday on an area of 13 dunums as an integrated productive development project …

  • 8 December

    Despite his injury, odor of determination and resilience emits from perfumes composed by Hussein

    Tartous, SANA – The odor of determination and resilience emits from each perfume bottle composed by Hussein al-Kurdi who was wounded in a direct clash with terrorists in one of …

  • 7 December

    Syrian art bids farewell to one of its major founders, director Aladdin Kokash

    Damascus, SANA-The art movement in Syria bid farewell to one of its founders, the late director Aladdin Kokash, at the age of 78, after a career that spanned more than …

  • 7 December

    Imperial temple in Shahba.. witness to greatness of civilization in southern Syria

    Sweida, SANA-In the city of Shahba to the north of Sweida, the Roman Imperial Temple stands as a model of ancient architecture, as its walls tell a history dating back …

  • 2 December

    Turkish regime and terrorist organizations partners in the theft and looting of Syrian antiquities

    Damascus, SANA- Since the beginning of the terrorist war, Syrian archaeological sites have been subjected to plunder crimes and theft in areas where terrorists are positioned, as no archaeological site …

  • 1 December

    Group exhibition of 12 plastic artists celebrates late Nazir Nasrallah

    Damascus, SANA- 12 Syrian plastic artists from different generations celebrated the experience of the late Nazir  Nasrallah through a group art exhibition hosted by the Arab Cultural Center in  Kafarsouseh.  …

  • 1 December

    Selfie, a show that evokes the articles of Muhammad Al-Maghout within Sweida Theater Festival

    Sweida, SANA- The spirit and words of late writer Muhammad Al-Maghout flew in the theatrical work spaces (Selfie) the last shows of the fourth stage of Sweida Festival, which the …

  • 1 December

    Al-Maghout Theater Festival kicks off at Dar al-Assad for Culture and Arts in Hama

    Hama, SANA- Activities of 2nd edition of al-Maghout Cultural Theater Festival, which was held by the Directorates of Theaters and Music, in cooperation with the Directorate of Culture in Hama, …

November, 2020

  • 30 November

    Inscriptions in the Great al-Nuri Mosque in Homs date back to Roman era

    Homs, SANA_ Inscriptions in the Great al-Nuri Mosque in Homs were the focus of researchers’ attention since long time where Constantine bin al Khoury Daoud was the first one who talked about …

  • 30 November

    Syria participates in the Fifth Virtual Arab Publishers Conference

    Damascus, SANA_ The Syrian Publishers Union will participate in the Fifth Virtual Arab Publishers Conference, which will be launched tomorrow under the title “Creating Content and Challenges” and will last …