Moscow: Al-Nusra ‘s chemical attack on Aleppo should not go unpunished

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry said that the chemical attack carried out on Sunday by Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists against Aleppo’s civilians should not be left unpunished.

Sputnik quoted the ministry as saying in a statement that “No doubt, this barbaric attack against civilians in Aleppo requires unconditional condemnation and should not remain unanswered”.

The ministry expects that the international community which repeatedly rejected the use of chemical weapons in Syria will respond to this attack in a proper manner.

The Russian Ministry stressed on the need for revealing the names of those responsible for using toxic materials in Syria and bringing them to justice, including the responsible for the recent chemical attack in Aleppo.

“We believe that the OPCW, as a key international competent body, which finds facts of using toxic agents, will carry out a timely and professional investigation in full compliance with the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction,”the Ministry said.

The Ministry indicated that following the attack, the Syrian government sent letters to the UN Secretary-General, the Security Council’s President and the Director-General of the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), calling upon them to take measures to investigate into the attack.


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