Legal status of 343 persons settled in Hasaka, Raqqa, and Deir Ezzor provinces

Hasaka, SANA- Hundreds of  deserters, who were serving in the Internal Security Forces, had their legal status settled in light of amnesty decree No. 18 for 2018 in Hasaka, Raqqa, and Deir Ezzor provinces on Sunday.

Speaking to SANA’s reporter, Hasaka police chief Maj. Gen Fayez Ghazi said that 343 internal security  deserters had their legal status settled in the provinces of Hasaka, Raqqa, and Deir Ezzor within simplified procedures.

Ghazi affirmed that Hasaka Police Command is continuing to settle the legal status of the willing persons in accordance with the amnesty decree No. 18 for 2018.

Legislative decree No. 18 for 2018 stipulates for granting a general amnesty for military deserters inside and outside the country and the crimes included in the Military Penalties Law issued by Legislative Decree No. 61 for 1950 and its amendments committed before October 9, 2018.

The decree does not include fugitives from justice unless they turn themselves in within 4 months for those inside the country and 6 months for those outside the country.


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