Some 253 industrial facilities in Hassieh Industrial City increase their production

Homs, SANA_ The industrial facilities in Hassieh Industrial City in the central province of Homs have increased their production capacity to provide the market needs and supply it with thousands of tons of basic foods such as oils, sugar, flour, etc.

Director of the city, Bassam al-Mansour said that all precautionary measures were taken to confront the novel Coronavirus by reducing the number of administrative employees in administration and facilities to the minimum as the productive and administrative process continues with providing more facilitations for the continuation of the production process.

Al-Mansour added that Hassieh industrial facilities did not stop under the most difficult conditions, and now almost all facilities, especially food, such as sugar, oils, milk, and canned goods, increased their production capacity to meet the needs of the local market and the increasing demand for products.

By the end of last year, the number of investors in the city reached 916, and about 30,000 job opportunities were provided, while the number of invested establishments reached 253 in addition to another 663 facilities which are under construction.



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