Syrians in France hold fundraising dinner to support army personnel’s families

Paris, SANA – Syrian expatriates and students in France held a fundraising dinner to support the families of the homeland’s martyrs and injured army members.

The revenue of the charity dinner, which was held at Saint George’s Anglican Church in the French capital Paris, will go to benefit the families of the army personnel who martyred or were wounded while they were performing their national duty of defending the homeland and citizens against the terrorist organizations.

The participants stressed that it is the responsibility of the Syrians abroad to contribute to alleviating the suffering of their fellow citizens back at home.

A variety of activities to that effect have been held by the expatriates in France and other foreign countries since the outset of the terrorist war waged against the homeland in 2011.

Some of those included raising money to support children of martyrs and injured soldiers and sending humanitarian aid to the latter’s families.

Haifa Said

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