Lavrove to Pedersen: Russia hasn’t lost interest in settling situation in Syria

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, reiterated his country’s adherence to find a comprehensive political solution of the crisis in Syria.

“ Recently, some of our Western colleagues have been spreading information that in the conditions of the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia has lost interest in the Syrian settlement. These are statements with absolutely unsuitable means. They don’t reflect our consistent policy of seeking a comprehensive Syrian settlement, including supporting your mission, Sputnik agency quoted Lavrov as saying at a meeting with UN Secretary-Genera’s Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen.

The two sides stressed the need to intensify international efforts in order to implement restoration projects and early recovery of basic infrastructure in Syria in accordance with the provisions of Security Council Resolution No. 2642.

Fedaa al-Rhayiah /Mazen Eyon

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