PFLP-GC slams practices of terrorists in Yarmouk camp

Damascus, SANA-The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) urged Palestinian factions to adopt a unanimous stance against terrorist organizations in Yarmouk refugee camp near Damascus.

Terrorist organizations have been besieging thousands of Syrian and Palestinian residents in the camp, visiting on them all forms of humiliation and persistently blocking aid deliveries there.

In a statement issued by its central committee which assembled on Monday, PFLP-GC hailed in a statement the military wins of the Syrian army in the war against terrorist organizations, expressing unwavering support for Syria against the conspiracy targeting it.

The statement considered the practices of terrorists inside the camp part of this conspiracy, sounding alarm as to their goals in liquidating the issue of Palestinian refugees and cancelling their right to return.

Manal Ismael

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