Syria presents its 2nd national report on achieving sustainable development purposes

New York, SANA- Syria submitted its second voluntary national report on achieving the sustainable development purposes and implementing the 2030 action plan during the work of the annual high-level political forum held by the Economic and Social Council at the UN, which began its work on the 8th of July and will continue until the 18th of the current month.

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Qusay Al-Dahhak presented the content of the report prepared by the Planning and International Cooperation Commission in partnership with the ministries, concerned authorities, private sector, civil society and academics.

The report included an explanation of the exerted efforts and the steps that Syria is taking to achieve progress in achieving the 17 sustainable development goals and the basic messages addressed to the United Nations and the international community to support the development track in Syria.

The report highlighted the major challenges that Syria faces in its track towards achieving sustainable development, including illegal military presence of foreign forces on Syrian territory and their theft of national oil resources, terrorism and acts of aggression, the continued imposing unilateral coercive measures on the Syrian people, the politicization of humanitarian and development work by Western countries, and the withholding of international development aid.

The process of presenting the review included an interactive dialogue with member states, representatives of international organizations, experts and academics, during which Ambassador al-Dahhak answered questions that addressed the methodology for preparing voluntary national reports and cross-cutting challenges for sectors facing Syria in achieving the 2030 action plan.


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