Syrians in Cuba reiterate support to the homeland in its battle against terrorism

Havana, SANA- Members of the Syrian community in Cuba expressed pride of their belonging to the homeland which has overcome all the conspiracies and the terrorist war launched against it.

During a meeting at the Syrian Embassy in Havana with Acting Charge d’ Affairs Louay al-Uoji, they hailed the heroism and advances achieved by the Syrian Arab army, and the sacrifices of the martyrs who were performing their duty in defending Syria’s national unity and dignity.

We realize that the Syrian expatriates have supported the homeland during the crisis, and that they exerted all possible efforts to defend it in the face of the sinister conspiracy hatched against it, al-Uoji said.

He indicated that the most important outcome of the terrorist war against Syria is that it showed the national unity of the Syrian people which constitutes an example to follow.

R. al-Jazaeri/ Barry

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