A senior Palestinian delegation in Damascus to discuss situations of the Palestinian camps

Damascus, SANA- Member of the Palestine Liberation Front “PLF” Political Bureau and member of the Palestine Liberation Organization “PLO” delegation to Syria Taysser Abu Bakir revealed Saturday that a senior Palestinian delegation will arrive in Damascus on Monday evening to discuss with the Syrian Government the situations in the Palestinian camps, on top, al-Yarmouk Camp.

Earlier last month, Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization, which is backed and financed by the Turkish, Qatari and Saudi regimes, had facilitated the entrance of hundreds of the ISIS terrorists to al-Yarmouk Camp to undermine the efforts exerted by the Syrian Government to not get the Palestinians dragged into the current events in the country.

The delegation will discuss the required means of neutralizing the camps and not getting them dragged into the crisis in Syria based on the fact that the Palestinians are guests in Syria till they will achieve their legitimate national rights, on top, their right to return to the Palestinian territories, Abu Bakir said in a statement Saturday.

Abu Bakir added that the delegation will be headed by the PLO Executive Committee Member and Head of the PLO Department for Refugee Affairs Zakaria al-Agha.

He said that the delegation will also discuss with the Syrian officials means of expelling the terrorist organizations such as the ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra out of al-Yarmouk Camp to restore security to the camp and to make it free of arms and gunmen to enable its Palestinian and Syrian residents to return to it.

Finding effective ways to deliver aid to residents of al-Yarmouk camp and other refugee camps and to all the displaced will be also on the table.

Abu Bakir considered that the political and representative importance of the delegation, which distinguishes it from the delegation which had recently visited Syria to discuss the same issues, reflects the keenness of the Palestinian leadership to find a solution to the catastrophe of al-Yarmouk camp and other camps.

The delegation embraces members of the PLO Executive Committee and the officials of different Palestinian factions which exist in al-Yarmouk Camp in Damascus.

R. al-Jazaeri/ Barry

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