Al-Moallem: We have full confidence in Russia and President Putin

New York, SANA – Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem asserted that Syria has full confidence in the position of Russia and in President Vladimir Putin when it comes to fighting terrorism.

Al-Moallem told RT TV channel on Wednesday that there is no doubt that Syria has full confidence in the Russian position and in President Vladimir Putin who made Russia’s position about counter-terrorism clear.

He said that Syria doesn’t trust the U.S. position at all, nor does it trust the alliance it called for, adding “they carried out over 9,000 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria and we haven’t seen any results, so we support what President Putin does in this regard.”

Earlier on Tuesday, al-Moallem told journalists in New York that Russian-Syrian-Iranian-Iraqi cooperation against ISIS will be very useful in putting an end to terrorism.

Hazem Sabbagh

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