170 more families of martyrs honored in Banias

Tartous, SANA – Against the backdrop of the string of victories notched up by the army all across the country, ceremonies to honor families and relatives of martyrs continue to be held in parallel.

The latest of such ceremonies was held Thursday and dedicated to 170 families of martyrs from the city and countryside of Banias.

“Our martyrs will be venerated for generations as their families will also be always held in high esteem,” said Ghassan Asaad, secretary of Tartous Branch of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party which organized the ceremony.

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The meeting today, he added, is to “express our thanks and voice our appreciation for the great and generous sacrifices your sons made in order for the homeland to keep its head held up.”

Asaad highlighted that the important gains which the Syrian army has made and the battlefield victories it continues to seal in its war against terrorism are al attributed to the “prowess and pure blood of our martyrs.

Secretary of Banias branch of al-Baath Party Mohammad Wahoud, for his part, reiterated that to honor the martyrs’ families is “a national duty of all” and the least one can do, stressing the need to look after those families.

H. Said

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