Terrorist groups in Madaya open fire on ICRC and SARC cars-VIDEO

Damascus Countryside, SANA – The terrorist organizations in Madaya town opened fire on cars for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC).

On Tuesday evening, terrorist groups opened fire on the cars of a team from the ICRC and the SARC as they were moving their way into the town, located to the west of Damascus, to evacuate three “urgent cases” along with their families, according to a source on the ground.

The evacuation operation was derailed for hours, but was later resumed and the cases were evacuated, the source told SANA.

The car of the coordinator and the doctor supervising the operation was damaged, the source added.

During the past weeks, 85 humanitarian aid lorries entered Madaya town under the supervision of the SARC and the UN.

R.J/H. Said

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