Deir Ezzor Health Directorate: 80 % of medicines are available

Damascus, SANA – 80 % of medicines are available for Deir Ezzor Health Directorate, Abd Najm al-Obeid, the directorate’s head, affirmed in a statement to SANA.

The health services provided to the locals of Deir Ezzor are “good” in light of the difficult conditions spawned by the terrorist organizations’ siege of the city, said al-Obeid.

He however pointed a problem out which is related to doctor shortage, in addition to the fuel shortage, noting that the Health Ministry will send in the coming period a shipment of medicines and medical requirement to meet the health needs and will work on securing the necessary cadres.

The hospitals in the city, which is located in eastern Syria, provide first aid to people injured by the terrorist shelling attacks and conduct uncomplicated surgeries, according to al-Obeid.

He noted that 700 leishmaniasis cases have been treated in the city’s hospitals.


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