Churkin condemns Isis attack on al-Shaer gas field in Homs

New York, SANA – Russia’s UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin condemned the terrorist attack of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Isis) against al-Shaer gas field in Homs.

Speaking at a Security Council meeting, Churkin cited this attack to stress all over again the importance that the Council’s President approve a Russia-proposed draft resolution on the illegality of purchasing oil from terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq.

He pointed out that the Russian draft affirms the principle of the countries having full control over the natural resources in their territories.
The Russian diplomat expressed his country’s deep concern over the increase of the extremists’ activities in Syria and the whole region, which he said is being transformed into a major hub for terrorist activities.

On the other hand, Churkin expressed Russia’s anger over the impudent threats of the terrorists to the members of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force in Golan, calling upon all weapon suppliers, funders and trainers of terrorists to curb their activities.

R. Milhem /H. Said


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