Churkin: French draft resolution to deploy international observers in Aleppo is dangerous and unenforceable

Moscow, SANA – Russia’s Permanent Representative at the UN Vitaly Churkin affirmed that the French draft resolution to deploy international observers in Aleppo is dangerous and unenforceable, noting that Moscow would not support it.

“We cannot support [the draft resolution], we cannot let it pass,” Churkin told reporters on Sunday, adding “we believe that what they are suggesting is impossible to implement and dangerous.”

He pointed out that Moscow plans to offer an alternative initiative to the UN Security Council on the deployment of international observers in Aleppo.

On Friday, French diplomats revealed a new draft resolution to be submitted by Paris to the UN Security Council on the situation in Aleppo that aims at deploying international observers to oversee the evacuation of the terrorists and their families and deliver aid.

Manar al-Freih / Hazem Sabbagh

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