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Tag Archives: Hasaka

10 civilians killed, 19 injured in terrorist attacks in several provinces

Provinces, SANA- Six civilians were killed and 10 others injured in terrorists’ attacks against different areas and provinces in the country on Thursday. Aleppo 4 citizens killed, 9 injured due …

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11 civilians injured in terrorist attacks in Hasaka and Damascus countryside

Hasaka, SANA- Seven civilians were injured in terrorist attack carried out by a suicide bomber using a car bomb on al-Salalia-Hasaka road in Hasaka. A source at Hasaka province told …

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Updated-Food and non-food aid distributed to families affected by terrorism in Qamishli and Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA- Al-Ihsan charity association in Qamishli city completed distribution of 2600 food rations to families affected by terrorism in Tal Hmeis, Tal Ma’arouf and al-Jaza’a areas in Qamishli countryside. …

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1500 food packages distributed to families affected by terrorism in Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA- Al-Berr and Social Services charity branch in Hasaka distributed 1500 food packages to families displaced from Abu al-Houl area by terrorist attacks who are currently staying in Hasaka …

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More than 63,000 food items distributed among displaced families in Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA- The relief subcommittee in the northeastern Hasaka province distributed more than 63,000 food items provided by World Food Program (WFP) to needy families. Elias al-Thaher, head of the …

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Four civilians killed in twin terrorist bombings in Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA – Four civilians were killed and four others were injured in twin terrorist attacks with car bombs which took place on Monday at the southeastern outskirts of Ras …

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ISIS terrorists block all roads leading to Hasaka city from the south

Hasaka, SANA- Terrorists of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria “ISIS” blocked on Saturday all  roads leading to the eastern city of Hasaka from the southern side to commit …

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4000 food packages by Red Crescent for terrorism-affected people in southern Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA – The branch of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) in Hasaka started on Sunday distributing food packages to terrorism-affected families in the southern area of the northeastern …

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Gas masks and amounts of weapons seized in Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA- Popular defense groups in Hasaka city seized on Friday gas masks which ISIS members left behind when they escaped from the city earlier this month, few days after …

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Distribution of 1200 food packages to families displaced from al-Houl area in Hasaka

Hasaka, SANA- The branch of Al-Berr Charity in Hasaka province started on Wednesday the distribution of 1,200 food packages among families displaced by terrorist attacks from al-Houl area in the …

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