Syrians abroad renew standing by homeland in face of terrorism

Capitals, SANA – The Syrian community in Bulgaria renewed their standing by their motherland in the face of terrorism, stressing that the barbarian attack would not have been launched if Syria had not achieved a large stride in prosperity.

They stressed, in a statement marking the 44th anniversary of the Correctionist Movement, conviction that the wisdom of the Syrian leadership, the bravery of the Syrian army and the resilience of the Syrian people will keep Syria fortified.

Likewise, the Syrian students in Cuba renewed rejection of terrorism to which Syria is exposed, underlining their support to the Syrian army to achieve victories, eliminate terrorism and restore security and stability to the whole country.

Syrian students in Slovakia underlined that the glorious Correctionist Movement led by the Late President Hafez al-Assad has put the foundation for building the modern Syria in all spheres, as it has constituted a transitional point in the country’s history and a real beginning of comprehensive rising.

R. Milhem / Ghossoun

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